Monday, March 10, 2014

Advice for the future

I, Big brother, am and will always be the supreme ruler. 
Of you, and of everything that goes on around you. All the rules that exist today are because of me. I create and govern how and when they are followed. I have control over the entire world.

With this being said, always remember that in order to be a somebody in this world, you must first be able to completely accept the principles of INGSOC. Being able to do this will allow you to do the most important thing of all.
Love me.

How must you live a joyful life if you do not have full respect for your supreme leader? What better way to show your respect then by expressing your love for me. I dictate everything that goes on in this world, you follow the rules that I make. If you are not capable of doing this, you are simply just not worthy of living in my world. There are consequences for people who do not follow my rules. Negative consequences.

However, I do care for all of my citizens. So instead of making you suffer, I will first teach you. You will learn how to love me, you will be cured. In this way, there shall never be any person who is not worthy of living in my world. Everyone will be able to live a nice, happy life.
So as long as you remember to love me, Big Brother, and follow all the rules that are made to benefit you, the world will stay at peace.

And no one will ever have to suffer.

1 comment:

  1. Since when is being forced to love and obey some control freak considered living a happy life? It’s a shame that in order to be accepted into this world, one must follow all of your rules and be exactly like everyone else. Teaching us, you say? We should not be taught HOW to live! That's not humane nor is it the right thing to do! There's no point in calling it the future when we already know what's going to become of it. Citizens are so easily convinced, so eager to say "Yes, Sir!" without any thought into things. If only we weren't so gullible, things would be different. Everyone would have their own minds and we as a society will create our future the way WE want to! If you care about us so much, why go through so much trouble making us the way you want us to be?! None of these damn rules are right and you know it; but the people don't and that's why you have so much power.
